The Benefits of Spring

The Benefits of Spring

With the month of April coming to an end and May is nearly now upon us, there is a distinct feeling of Spring being on its way.

Mention the word, Spring, to me, and it conjures up images of lambs in the meadow, sunshine and holidays. Oh yes, definitely holidays!Read More

High Functioning Anxiety

High Functioning Anxiety

Hiding, concealing, covering up, disguising…however you wish to dress it up, I became the master of this, my depression and anxiety. Here’s my story of High Functioning Anxiety. Anything seemed better than actually, being honest to not only other people but most of all to myself, of how I truly felt, and the vast impact it was having on my day to day life.Read More

Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty Nest Syndrome

I had heard about this many years ago when my son was little. He is now eighteen and no longer my little boy but a grown up young man becoming more and more independent as the days go by. I’m talking about my experience of empty nest syndrome.Read More

Holiday Blues

Holiday Blues

With it being in the middle of the summer holiday season, I wanted to discuss the problems and some coping methods for stress, anxiety, depression and even relationships during this period.

When you are feeling in a bad place the feelings don’t just disappear because you are spending time by the sea or resting more. Whilst it can be helpful, allowing you to unwind more than usual and having a change of scenery can be very refreshing for the mind, holidays can create new difficulties.Read More