Holiday Blues

Holiday Blues

With it being in the middle of the summer holiday season, I wanted to discuss the problems and some coping methods for stress, anxiety, depression and even relationships during this period.

When you are feeling in a bad place the feelings don’t just disappear because you are spending time by the sea or resting more. Whilst it can be helpful, allowing you to unwind more than usual and having a change of scenery can be very refreshing for the mind, holidays can create new difficulties.Read More

Emotional Neglect

Emotional Neglect

There is a condition which is not spoken or written about that often, it is more invisible than other more recognised types of abuse. There are no physical signs as with physical abuse or as talked about as sexual abuse. It is an insidious condition which causes intense internal emotional, mental and sometimes physical pain to the sufferer. We are talking about Emotional Neglect.Read More